由西安交通大学主办的第一届PEM燃料电池科技国际会议(International Conference on PEM Fuel Cell Science and Technology,ICPFCST-2019)将于2019年11月15-18日在西安举行。现转发会议征稿通知如下,欢迎大家投稿参会。
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce The First International Conference on PEM Fuel Cell Science and Technology (ICPFCST, 2019), organized by Xi’an Jiaotong University, to be held in Xi’an, China on November 15-18, 2019.
Authors are invited to submit original research papers covering, but not limited to, the following areas:
◆ Fuel cell system modelling and control
◆ Analysis and evaluation of ageing phenomena
◆ Cell and stack technology
◆ Heat and mass transfer
◆ Electrochemistry and material in battery
◆ Transport phenomena
◆ Fuel cell component and system
◆ Thermal management of fuel cell
◆ Hydrogen production, transport and storage
◆ Fuel and fuel infrastructure
◆ Global market, policy and initiative of fuel cell
Suitable papers will be recommended for publication in relevant journals, such as:
◆ Energy (IF=4.968)
◆ Science Bulletin (IF=4.136)
◆ Journal of Energy Engineering (IF=1.346)
◆ Journal of Thermal Science (IF=0.678)
◆ SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences (IF=1.719)
Please find the invitation & call for papers with more detailed information about the conference in attachment or visit the web site – http://icpfcst19.xjtu.edu.cn/
We extended the abstract deadline until July 1, 2019. Please download the template and submit your abstract to icpfcst@mail.xjtu.edu.cn .
If you have any further questions, please contact us at icpfcst@mail.xjtu.edu.cn
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this conference.
Chairman of ICPFCST2019:
Prof. Wen-Quan Tao, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ., China
Call for Papaers-First International Conference on PEM Fuel Cell Science and Technology